LotuCrypto Ltd
4 min readJun 1, 2021


ICOs are a phenomenon of the worldwide networks of open blockchains and distributed ledgers that began with the 2009 launch of Bitcoin and now include thousands of digital assets. These novel databases provide decentralized record-keeping that cannot be retroactively edited and use cryptographic functions that link records, enable rapid verification of data, and prevent hacking. Early blockchains such as Bitcoin and Litecoin were designed as simple payment systems, and they also provide an archival function because text can be appended to ordinary transactions. The advent of more sophisticated blockchains such as Ethereum and EOS has enabled a much wider range of applications, including insurance contracts, voting schemes, and contingent investment products. ICOs are a fundraising mechanism, in which a new token is sold to investors and prospective returns. (Benedetti and Kostovetsky 2018). Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a new method of raising capital for early stage ventures, an alternative to more traditional sources of start-up funding such as venture capital (VC) and angel finance. In an ICO, a blockchain-based issuer sells cryptographically secured digital assets, usually called tokens. ICO pre-sales serve multiple functions. One is to fund the costs of promoting the ICO itself. A second is to certify the issuer, particularly if well-known experts or institutions participate. A third is to determine demand and the appropriate price, which is analogous to the book-building part of the IPO process (Sherman and Titman 2002, Derrien and Womack 2003). Pre-sale buyers usually receive discounts. These are akin to the lower prices that conventional early stage equity investors receive in exchange for taking on more risk, providing value-added services, and signaling quality to the market (Hellmann and Puri 2002). Li and Mann (2018) rationalize the pre-sale as one mechanism to resolve the coordination failure that emerges in the case of what they call a “same-side network effect during the ICO.” This is a traditional network effect, in that the value of being a user depends on there being a sufficient number of other users on the platform. Pre-selling discounted tokens can help the issuer approach the needed critical mass of participants.

The Lotucrypto Ltd
Lotucrypto Ltd is a crypto currency firm. It provides the platform for crypto dealings and act as a guide to building your digital assets via the launch of the Lotucoin- a “merchant coin”, that is to say, it was designed not only to be a means of exchange like fiat and Bitcoin, but also as means to ease and promote merchants and their businesses. By adopting Lotucoin as a means of payment, a merchant gets the benefits of a seamless, secure and swift transaction on the blockchain, and also gets coupon and vouchers to offer to customers who pay using Lotucoin.
The Lotucoin is built on binance smartchain. Its total circulation is 50,000000 LOT. This means that Lotucoin cannot be created again just like Bitcoin the coin sold about 4000USD in just 6 hours of its presale. The Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) of the Lotucoin commenced on Friday the 30th of April at 12:00 pm UTC, and end when all tokens are sold or minimum sale amount is reached. The project procedure is well articulated in the Lotucoin white paper. So well, the project is going smoothly. We encourage African Investors and the world largely to see this as an opportunity never to let slip away. Lotucoin will be the new big coin judging from how its presale went and how it’s is going.
The journey begins when you download the Lotucrypto app. It gives you that incredible experience of switching from fiat to crypto and vice versa in your transaction making that adaptability swift and noiseless powered by just an app in your digital device, bills can be paid in fiat or in our Lotucrypto coin.
You can download he app in the Google play store.
Be a part of our community by staying abreast with the latest happening in the Lotucrypto world.

Read the Lotucrypto white paper @; https://lotucrypto.medium.com/lotucoin-white

Join our telegram community @; https://t.me/me/joinchat/Ew77hnQEiKY4Yzg0

Stay in touch with our updates @ https://medium.com/@lotucrypto


An, J., Duan, T., Hou, W., and Xu, X. (2018). Initial Coin Offerings and Entrepreneurial Finance The Role
of Founder Characteristics. Journal of Alternative Investments, Forthcoming.

Andrés, P. d., Arroyo, D., Correia, R., and Rezola, A. (2019). Regulatory and Market Challenges of Initial
Coin Offerings. European Corporate Governance Institute-Law Working Paper, (461).
Derrien, F. and Womack, K. L. (2003). Auctions vs. bookbuilding and the control of underpricing in hot
IPO markets. The Review of Financial Studies, 16(1):31–61.
Sherman, A. E. and Titman, S. (2002). Building the IPO order book: underpricing and participation limits
with costly information. Journal of Financial Economics, 65(1):3–29.

Sherman, N. J. (2018). A Behavioral Economics Approach to Regulating Initial Coin Offerings. Geo. LJ
Online, 107:17.

LotuCrypto Ltd

Lotucrypto provides a secure and robust platform to buy, sell or trade cryptocurrency, GiftCard buy and sell and gives you easy access to Utility bills payment