Cryptocurrency is a virtual coinage platform that works much like regular currency so that users can pay digitally for products and services without the use of central systems and networks. Evidently in the late 1980s, the concept of electronic currency was first introduced. Bitcoin launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto becomes the first significant digital crypto currency.
Both the virtual and physical worlds are dominated by money, with crypto powering the virtual world and fiat powering the real world. Many of us, if not all, live and work in both worlds. We pay for groceries with fiat currency and sell or purchase cryptocurrency. The majority of the time, these transactions is carried out on various platforms. If you have a network that can handle all transactions, why not use it? Consider how relaxing that would be. We created LOTUCRYPTO with this mindset. We hope to develop a platform that will be useful for both crypto and fiat currency traders with your support.
The Variance
To every new technology there exist a problem of adaptation, there will always be two group of people, those who will stick to what they are already accustomed with and the enthusiast who seek out for better ways of doing things faster and easier. When it comes to the concept of exchanges there are those who want to stick to traditional currency and those that appreciate the use of cryptos. In a changing world as ours, cryptocurrencies are the new normal. Whilst we provide an avenue for alignment with the rest of the world, we also provide an opportunity for fiat currency enthusiast to find financial expressions. The Lotucrypto strives to provide a system that unifies this two divides; we seek to unify both views with a platform that can be used for financial transactions by crypto advocates or pro-fiat. LotuCrypto is that unifying ground, were people from both divides can meet to transact seamlessly, whether in fiat currency or cryptocurrency.
Lotucoin-its Uniqueness
The Lotucoin is a “merchant coin”, that is to say, it was designed not only to be a means of exchange like fiat and bitcoin, but also as means to ease and promote merchants and their businesses. By adopting Lotucoin as a means of payment, a merchant gets the benefits of a seamless, secure and swift transaction on the blockchain, and also gets coupon and vouchers to offer to customers who pay using Lotucoin. With the Lotucoin you can use it to transact in the Lotucrypto app, which has a huge daily trade volume. Transacting the coin in our robust platform, Lotucrypto will enable the enlisting of coin in other crypto exchange platforms. When this happens, early investors profits.
Cryptocurrency is an impressive technical achievement, but it remains a monetary experiment. Even when cryptocurrencies survive, they may not fully displace fiat currencies. As many researchers have tried to show, they provide an interesting new perspective from which to view economic questions surrounding currency governance, the characteristics of money, the political economy of financial intermediaries, and the nature of currency competition. The Lotucoin give you that incredible experience of switching from fiat to crypto and vice versa in your transaction making that adaptability swift and noiseless powered by just an app in your digital device, bills can be paid in fiat or in our Lotucrypto coin.